I don't even know where to begin... I'm so tired. That good kind, when you know you sacrificed sleep for an experience you'll never forget.
But to properly tell he story I have to start back about four years ago, sitting in my living room with my two children watching Zoom. One of the kids was in New York at a new musical and he was interviewing the cast. They Showed about 15 seconds of a song and I was hooked. I had to see it...
"We're gonna make you Pop-u-lar"
Not being someone who travels to New York for theatre outings often I filed it away for when it might make it out to LA, my home town.
And eventually it
did make it's way here. I was thrilled though I wasn't sure I'd actually get to see it. We make a lot of sacrifices to have me stay home with our children and expensive musical tickets don't often make their way into the budget. I knew if we could we'd make a way but still... it wasn't a sure thing.
Step in one of my amazing friends who spoils me so much. She decided we were going for my birthday...last year. But, as tends to happen...lots of life circumstances got in the way. Serious medical stuff with her mom and then Eden's diagnosis just two an a half months after my birthday. Suddenly focus changed and our date for a play got lost.
Yet it was always there. I wanted to see it so badly. I actually yearned to see it.
I was given an invitation to see it during my pregnancy and I was so thrilled. In the midst of such a difficult time I was being given this amazing gift. A fulfillment of a dream.
Through a comedy of errors we made it to the theatre too late to be seated and there we were. Outside, tickets in hand, and still no show. Heartbreak.
The weekend Eden was born, the one day she fully lived. Not the day she was born, and not the day she died, but the one day she simply lived a large group of my friends did go see it. Seeing it typed out like that makes them look insensitive... they weren't. It was just coincidence that their tickets coincided with such a truly magical day. But still, it was happening right next to me. Again.
Last month I almost made it. Discount tickets. All my friends. But it wasn't to be. Our budget just didn't allow it. My friends went again and I was happy to have them go, even if a little envious. No bitterness but joy for them.
And then last night... I can barely type for the excitement of it...
Last night the friend who originally wanted to take me did. She spoiled me for two birthdays, and a rough year. To say she spoiled me somehow cheapens what last night actually was...
From dinner at The Bowery and one of he best burger I've ever had, to dessert after the show, I was spoiled.
The best part though, the amazing part, was the dream fulfilled. Of holding hope for something for over four years and finally having it happen. I wonder how many other dreams were being realized last night. The kid who'd never been to theatre before, the fan who'd seen it one hundred times... so many stories.
I cried. I cried from the sheer excitement. I cried for the wonder of the show it's self. I cried for the message... Yep, I cried.